SAG-AFTRA 2024 Blood Drive
at and with the Lambs Club

The Lambs, America’s oldest theatrical club, a historic haven for performing arts professionals, echoed with the camaraderie and creativity of SAG-AFTRA members as they gathered for an event that married artistry with altruism.

On March 25, 2024, actors, Lambs, and others from the entertainment industry, converged at this legendary venue not only to revitalize their headshots but also to lend a hand—literally—in saving lives through the SAG-AFTRA Blood Drive.

This unique confluence of professional development and community service promised a day rich in both collaboration and compassion.

Photographer and friend, Jim Manley, captured an essence of each participant in vibrant detail while Cherokee Black’s expert touch ensured every subject looked their best.

It was more than just a photoshoot; it’s an opportunity for these performers to enhance their portfolios with compassionate headshots while giving back to those in need.

In an industry where appearances matter immensely, the Group Headshot Workshop offers a dual reward: professional collaboration in continuity and the profound satisfaction of contributing to a life-saving cause.

Thank you to everyone who participated,

With gratitude,

Jim Manley & Cherokee Black & Cathy Lilly